72 Using Your Treo 700w Smartphone
CHAPTER 4 Staying Organized
Checking off a task1. Select the task you want to check off.
2. Press Edit (left action key).
3. Select Status and select Completed.
4. Press OK .
Organizing your tasks1. In the Tasks list, press Menu (right
action key) and select Filter.
2. Select which tasks you want to view: All Tasks, Recently Viewed,
No Categories, Active Tasks, Completed Tasks, or a specific
category, such as Business or Personal.
3. Press Menu (right action key) and select Sort By.
4. Select the sort method: Status, Priority, Subject, Start Date, or
Due Date.
You can also mark a
task complete by
tapping the check box
next to the task on the
Tasks list.
Did You Know?
Overdue tasks appear
in red.