Controls and their functions (continued)
<Connector area>
*Applicable only to
qAC IN connector
This is for connecting the unit to the power outlet using the power cord provided.
wSIGNAL GND terminal
This terminal is connected to the signa unit which is connected to the unit in order to reduce noise. It is not connected to ground for safety purposes.
eFuse holder
This contains a fuse.
rFan motor
This is for cooling the unit.
The error code is displayed on the counter when trouble has caused the fan motor to stop. If the unit is still operated in the warning status, the temperature inside the deck will rise, and when it exceeds the safety temperature, all the unit’s operations will be shut down.
tANALOG AUDIO IN connectors*
These are the analog audio input connectors.
yTIME CODE IN connector*
This is the connector for recording the external time code on the tape.
uS1-VIDEO IN connector*
This is the
The analog component video signal is supplied to this connector.
oANALOG COMPOSITE VIDEO IN connectors and 75Ω termination switch*
The analog composite video signal is supplied to these two connectors which are connected in a
!0REF VIDEO IN connectors and 75Ω termination switch
These are the input connectors for the reference video signals. When the termination is required, set the switch to ON.
!1ANALOG AUDIO OUT connectors
The analog audio signals are output from these connectors.
!2TIME CODE OUT connector
The playback time code is output from this connector during playback.
During recording, the time code generated by the internal time code generator is output.
!3MONITOR OUT connector
The playback signals from the CUE track or PCM audio signal CH1/CH2 are output from this connector.
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