Features Fax Convenient 3 Chapter

Transmitting a Document with a Cover Sheet

Documents can be transmitted with a cover sheet stating the date and time of the transmission, destination station name, and total number of pages.

Sample Fax Cover Sheet

***** Facsimile Cover Sheet *****

MMM-dd-yyyy 15:00

Message To:


Message From:


201 555 1212



Following This Cover Page

Text Area

60 characters for 1 line

(Up to 10 lines)

zThe cover sheet is excluded from the total page count in the transaction journal.

zThe cover sheet can be printed with texts programmed by users. (Up to 10 lines are available.)

z60 characters can be programmed for 1 line, and up to 600 characters can be printed on the cover sheet.

zCharacters are written from the side of left. (The dotted lines will not be printed.)

zThe standard setting of a cover sheet can be changed with “56 Cover Sheet (HOME)” in Function Parameters (Fax/Email Settings > Fax Parameters). To modify the standard setting, refer to Fax/Email Settings in the Operating Instructions (For Function Parameters) on the provided CD-ROM.