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Face Recognition is a function for finding faces that re semble faces which have already been
registered and automatically prioritizing focus and exposure for those faces. This function makes it
possible to keep the face of your loved ones in focus even when they are at the back or on the end
of a line in a group picture.
Registering a face for Face Recognition
Up to a maximum of 6 people can be registered.
1Align the person’s face with the guide.
Take a picture of the persons face from the front, ensuring
that their hair does not hide the outline of their fa ce, their
eyes or their eyebrows.
2Touch [REC] or press the button fully.
Touch [ENTER].
It may not be possible to register a face depending on the
recording conditions. In this case, try recording the face
3Enter the person’s name.
Touch the text entry icon in the center of the screen and
enter the name.
After entering the name, touch [Enter].
: [RECORD SETUP] # [FACE RECOG.] # desired setting
[ON]: The Face Recognition function is available.
[OFF]: Cancel the setting.
[SET]: Face Recognition registration/editing/canceling


BText entry icon