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Dividing a scene to partially delete (iFrame/MP4)
Divide the iFrame scene or the scene saved as MP4, a nd delete unnecessary parts.
This divides the recorded scenes in two and deletes th e front half or back half.
The scenes deleted by dividing ca nnot be restored.
Change the mode to and touch the play mode select icon. Th en, set to [iFrame] or
[MP4]. (l27)
1Select the menu.
2Touch the scene to be divided.
3Touch to set the dividing point.
It is convenient to use Slow-motion Playback and Frame-by-
frame Playback. (l76)
Set the dividing point so there will be 2 seconds or m ore for the
part for deletion, and 3 seconds or more for the part to be kept.
4Touch the part for deletion.
5Touch [YES] and confirm (play back) the part for deletion.
A confirmation message appears when [NO] is touched. Proceed to Step 7.
6Stop the playback.
A confirmation message appears.
7Touch [YES].
To continue dividing and deleting other scenes, repeat Steps 2-7.
To complete editing
Touch [Return].
It may not be possible to divide scenes with a short recording time.
The actual division may slightly slip off the previously de signated dividing point.