5. Advanced Setup
DSL Advanced Settings
Do not change the DSL Advanced Settings unless so directed by your ISP. To view the DSL Advanced Settings screen, click on the Advanced Settings button on the DSL Settings screen (see Figure
There are five test modes between the router and your ISP:
Normal test: Puts the router in a test mode in which it only sends a Normal signal.
Reverb test: Puts the router in a test mode in which it only sends a Reverb signal.
Medley test: Puts the router in a test mode in which it only sends a Medley signal.
No Retrain: In this mode the router will try to establish a connection as in normal mode, but once the connection is up it will not retrain if the signal is lost.
L3: Puts the router into the L3 power state.
Select a test mode and click on Apply. Then click on Tone Selection.
Figure 5-40. DSL Advanced Settings
September 2005 |