Setting Up
9161-A2-GH30-30 April 1998

Table 5-1. Network Interface Options (5 of 7)

Routing Information Protocol
Possible Settings: None, Proprietary
Default Setting: Proprietary
Specifies whether routing information protocol (RIP) is used for routing of management
information between NAMs.
Routing Information Protocol only appears if Management Link is set to FDL or
None – No routing protocol is used. Use this setting when the device at the other end of
the management link cannot accept routing information.
Proprietary – A proprietary variant of RIP version 1 is used to communicate routing
information between NAMs to enable the routing of IP traffic.
Network Time Slot
Possible Settings: 01 – 24
Default Setting: lowest available time slot
Specifies the time slot for the DDL management link.
Network Time Slot only appears appears if Management Link is set to DDL.
NOTE: If Management Link is not set to DDL, the assigned time slot will be set to
01 – 24 – Valid settings consist of any unassigned time slot within the 01 – 24 range.
Circuit Identifier
Possible Settings: Text Field, Clear
Default Setting: blank
Identifies the transmission vendor’s circuit information for the purpose of facilitating
Text Field – Edit or display circuit identifier information (maximum 255 characters).
Clear – Removes the circuit identifier information.
Loss of Signal (LOS) Alarm
Possible Settings: Enable, Disable
Default Setting: Enable
Specifies whether an alarm message is generated when a loss of signal condition is
detected on the network interface.
Enable – Generates an ASCII alarm message.
Disable – Does not generate an ASCII alarm message.
Out of Frame (OOF) Alarm
Possible Settings: Enable, Disable
Default Setting: Enable
Specifies whether an alarm is generated when an out-of-frame condition is detected on
the network interface.
Enable – Generates an alarm message.
Disable – Does not generate an ASCII alarm message.