10 C1561M-A (4/05)
Start VMX300(-E) Device Drivers
1. Click the Windows Start button, and then select Programs > VMX300. Select the appropriate device driver from the list of VMX300(-E)
The Corrupt or Missing Database message appears because VMX300(-E) must create a new driver database the first time you use the
Figure 12.
Corrupt or Missing Database Message
2. Click Create. The Configure Driver dialog box appears.
Figure 13.
Sample Configure Driver Dialog Box
3. Enter a listening port number between 2,000 and 10,000, and use this port number when you add the driver to the server configuration. To
run more than one driver or multiple instances of the same driver, select a different port for each instance.
4. Select the appropriate mode from the following options:
Start the driver as an executable:
If the server is shut down, each driver running as an executable must be manually started when the server is launched again.
Install the driver as a service:
If the server is shut down, each driver running as a service is restarted when the server is launched again.