14 C1561M-A (4/05)
Define a Canvas for Each VMX300(-E) Client Window
Canvases are required if the window will be used to view video. Canvases define the video display technology available to that client, and they
can include both analog and digital (IP-based) technologies.
1. Navigate the Object Browser tree to [project name] > Clients > [client name] > Windows > [window name] > Canvases for the window you
just added.
2. Double-click <Add New Canvas>. The Add New Canvas dialog box appears.
Figure 17.
Add New Canvas Dialog Box
3. Select the appropriate canvas from the drop-down box.
4. Click Settings to configure settings specific to the selected canvas (not available for all canvas types).
For example, if you select Quad Video Display, click Settings, and then click the input connector (differentiated by color) used by the device
for which this canvas is used to view video. If you select MPEG click Settings to sort or edit the list of video signal types.
5. Click OK.
6. If the operator needs to view more than one type of video in this specific window, repeat these steps to add a canvas for each type of video.
(Note that the system chooses which canvas to use based on the order the canvases are listed in the Object Browser.)
The type of video signal that you select for an MPEG device’s canvas will affect the total number of digital video streams that an
operator can view at any one time. Refer to Table B for an overview of the maximum number of streams recommended for specific digital