42 C1561M-A (4/05)
4. Continue clicking across the Year row until you locate the year you want. Years are distributed across the row, with the current year at the
far right. Or, you can click -Year and +Year to change the year. The selected year appears in the Year row and the bottom row.
5. If you know what month of archive you want to view, click on the Month row. Otherwise, go to step 8.
The selected month appears in the Month row, as well as in the date you are building in the bottom row. The bottom row displays -Month
at the left end and +Month at the right end. The Day row appears above the Month row.
6. Continue clicking across the Month row until you locate the month you want. Months are distributed across the row, with the current month
at the far right. Or, you can click -Month and +Month to change the month.
The selected month appears in the Month row and the bottom row.
7. Continue building the date until you have narrowed it down as much as you can. Select the day, if you know the day, and the hour, if you
know the hour, and the minute, if you know the minute. The date/time you have built appear in the bottom row.
8. Click the date/time in the bottom row of the date/time selector.
The archive server retrieves all the archives for the time period selected. For example, if you specified a date/time down to the hour, all
archives for that hour appear. Each archived event is represented in the Event Picker as a small vertical bar in the Event row.
Figure 56. Retrieved Events
You can back out of a date you are building by clicking Clear at the right end of any row in the Event Picker. For example, if you have
narrowed down a date to the minute, clicking Clear at the end of the Day row clears the minute, hour, and day, leaving just the month and
The Event Picker provides a pop-up menu that allows you to zoom to a time unit. Right-click the Event Picker’s bottom row to open the pop-up
menu. Table D describes the options provided on the pop-up menu.
The options have a different effect depending on whether an event is already selected or not. If no event is currently selected, the zoom options
zoom to the current date/time. If an event is currently selected, the zoom options zoom to the time unit of the selected event.
Figure 57. Event Picker Pop-up Menu
NOTE: If you are using the Event Picker in a custom window and a camera is switched to the window, VMX300(-E) will automatically load
and play the archived video for that camera, cued to the date/time selected in the Event Picker. Rewind or advance the video using the tools
in the gadget to locate the video you want.