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5. Click the WINS tab, and then click “Disable NetBIOS over TCP/IP.”
6. Click OK.
7. Click No in any messages regarding bindings (you do not need any bindings).
8. Click Yes in any additional messages that appear, and then click OK to close the remaining open dialog boxes.
9. Continue with the steps described in the next section to disable the NetBIOS Helper service.
Disable the NetBIOS Helper Service
1. Click the Windows Start button, and then select Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services. The Services window appears.
Figure 5.
Windows Operating System Services Window
2. Right-click the service named TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper, and then click Properties. The TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper Properties dialog box appears.
Figure 6.
TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper Properties Dialog Box
3. Click the down arrow in the “Startup type” drop-down box, and then click Disabled.
4. Click OK, close all windows, and then restart the VMX300(-E) workstation.