"PROG 3"will now appear on the right of the Display. This indicatesttiat the third program is ready to be entered. Enter the third program time (6:30 pm) by pushingthe HOURS
and MINUTES Buttons.
In our example, we would like to turn on the jet pump (AUX 3) at 6:30 pm, but the filter pump should also still be running. Therefore, push FILTER and AUX 3 Equipment Buttons. "ON"will appear above each button.
This is an example of overlapping programs. Push PROGRAM Button to
"PROG4"will now appear on the right of the Display. This indicates iat the fourth program is ready to be entered Enter the fourth program time (7:OO pm) by pushing the HOURS
and MINUTES Buttons.
In our example, at 7:00 pm the filter pump (FILTER) and jet pump (AUX 3) should turn off.
Make sure that "OFF"is displayed above each Equipment Button. Push PROGRAM Button to
"PROG5"will now appear on the right of the Display. This indicate at the fifth program is ready to be entered. Enter the fifth program time (8:30 pm) by pushing the HOURS and
MINUTES Buttons.
In our example, the spa light (AUX 1) should turn on at 8:30 pm. Push AUX 1 Equipment Button.
"ON"should appear directly above AUX 1 Button. Push PROGRAM Button to lock in the program.
"PROG 6"will now appear on the right of the Display. This indicates tliat the sixth program is ready to be entered. Enter the sixth program time (10:OO pm) by pushing the HOURS
and MINUTES Buttons.
In our example, all of the equipment should be turned off at 10:OO pm.
Therefore, make sure that "OFF"is displayed above all of the
Equipment Buttons.
If this is forgotten, the Clock will automatically return to Time
Mode after two minutes.