10 Press the four-way controller (5).

The frame moves to one of the following items depending on the date style set in Step 5.

Month for [mm/dd/yy] Day for [dd/mm/yy] Year for [yy/mm/dd]

The following operations and screens use [mm/dd/yy] as an example. The operations are the same even if another date style has been selected.

11 Use the four-way controller (23) to change the month.

Date Adjust

Date Style


mm/dd/yy 24h











Settings are completed

MENU Cancel

12 Press the four-way controller (5).

The frame moves to the day field. Use the four-way controller (23) to change the day. After changing the day, change the year in the same manner.

13 Change the time in the same way as in Steps 8 to 12.

If you selected [12h] in Step 7, the setting switches between am and pm corresponding to the time.

14 Press the 4button.

15 Press the four-way controller (3).

The frame moves to [Settings are completed].

16 Press the 4button.

The date and time settings are saved and the screen returns to the [W Setting] menu.

When you press the 4button in Step 16, the camera clock is reset to 00 seconds. To set the exact time, press the 4button when the time signal (on the TV, radio, etc.) reaches 00 seconds.

7 Settings