FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
Q:What is the difference between LightFrameTM DR and earlier LightFrameTM versions (3, 2 and 1)?
A:LightFrameTM DR is a LightFrameTM software and firmware evolution for LCD displays
that provides two different levels of LightFrameTM operations. Created for the average user, Level One consist of a full screen activation employing the front hardware button to select from a series of
Q:Can I upgrade my current Philips monitor to LightFrameTM DR?
A:LightFrameTM DR is a combination of special Philips hardware built into the monitor and software. LightFrameTM DR software only works on monitors with LightFrameTM DR hardware. While you can't upgrade from LightFrameTM 1 or 2 or 3 to DR, you can upgrade your LightFrameTM 1 monitor to LightFrameTM 2 by installing LightFrameTM 2 software.
Q:Can I install LightFrameTM DR over a previous version?
A:When you install LightFrameTM DR the setup wizard will scan your system to check if you have a previous version installed. If you do, the setup wizard will remove that version before continuing with the installation of the new version. Remember: LightFrameTM DR software only works with a monitor that has LightFrameTM DR hardware.
Q:How many windows can I simultaneously enhance with LightFrameTM DR?
A:LightFrameTM DR can enhance up to 8 windows at the same time. It is, however, important to understand that when other windows, toolbars or menus overlap the enhanced windows, the maximum number of enhanced windows can be reduced.
Q:Can I enhance two or more areas at the same time?
A:Yes. With LightFrameTM DR you can select several windows with pictures and videos for simultaneous enhancement.
Q:How many pictures can LightFrameTM DR enhance in Internet Explorer?
A:In Internet Explorer, LightFrameTM DR can simultaneously enhance up to 16 pictures. LightFrameTM DR selects the pictures it finds on a page based on each picture's size. On pages with more than 16 pictures, LightFrameTM DR will enhance the 16 largest pictures.
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