FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
Q:Can I use LightFrameTM DR with automatic content detection with Netscape?
A:No, LightFrameTM automatic content detection only works with Internet Explorer version 5 and higher. You can downloaded Internet Explorer free of charge from the Microsoft website (www.microsoft.com).
Q:Can I activate LightFrameTM on my entire screen?
A:Yes, just press the LightFrameTM button on the front of your monitor
Q:How can I tell if my monitor comes with LightFrameTM DR?
A:Philips 170X6 and 190X6 LightFrameTM DR monitors display this logo on their front bezel:
Screen Adjustments
Q:What is the FPadjust program on the
A:The FPadjust program generates alignment patterns that help you adjust monitor settings such as Contrast, Brightness, Horizontal Position, Vertical Position, Phase and Clock for optimal performance.
Q:When I install my monitor, how do I get the best performance from the monitor?
1.For best performance, make sure your display settings are set at 1280x1024@60Hz for 17"or 19". Note: You can check the current display settings by pressing the OSD OK button
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