3 Refit the fuse cover.
In order to maintain conformity to the EMC directive, the mains plug on this product must not be detached from the mains cord. Copyright
VESA, FDMI and the VESA Mounting Compliant logo are trademarks of the Video Electronics Standards Association.
®Kensington and Micro Saver are registered US trademarks of ACCO World corporation with issued registrations and pending applications in other countries throughout the world.
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This text appears in the IT_IT (Language) language only.
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Dichiarazione di conformità
Si dichiara che l’apparecchio televisori a colori (vedere indicazioni sull’etichetta nel retro della televisione) risponde alle prescrizioni dell’art. 2 comma 1 del D.M. 28 gosto 1995 n. 548.
Fatto in Székesfehérvár, il 02 Febbraio 2009
Philips Consumer Lifestyle Philips Ltd. Assembly Centre Hungary Székesfehérvár, Holland Fasor 6,
This text appears in the ES_ES (Spanish European) language only.
Insert at the end of the notice section.
Objeto de esta declaración, cumple con la normativa siguiente:
•Reglamento Técnico del Servicio de Difusión de Televisión y del Servicio Portador soporte del mismo (Real Decreto 1160/1989) Articulo 9.2
•Reglamento sobre Perturbaciones Radioeléctricas (Real Decreto 138/1989) Anexo V.
E n g l i s h