5Special Settings
Subtitle Language
Subtitle Language
This unit allows you to select a subtitle language (if available) during BD/
DVD playback.
1During playback, press [SUBTITLE] repeatedly to
display “Primary Subtitle”, “Secondary Subtitle” or
“Subtitle Style”.
2Use [Cursor K / L] repeatedly until your desired
subtitle or style.
• current subtitles language
• subtitles can be varied on the
displayed number
3Press [SUBTITLE] to exit.
1During playback, press [SUBTITLE].
2Use [Cursor K / L] repeatedly until your desired
• current subtitles language
• subtitles can be varied on the displayed number
3Press [SUBTITLE] to exit.
• To cancel the subtitle, select “Off” at step 2.
• Using [Cursor
/ /
] can also be switched between current
subtitle setting and “Off”.
• If your language is not shown after pressing [Cursor K / L]
several times, the disc may not have that language. However,
some discs allow you to change subtitle languages setting in
the disc menu or pop-up menu. (Operation varies depending
on the disc, so refer to the manual along with the disc.)
• When “Not Available” appears on the TV screen, it means no
subtitle is recorded on the scene.
• If you choose a language that has 3-letter-language code,
the code will be displayed every time you change the subtitle
language setting. If you choose any other languages, “---”
will be displayed instead. (Refer to page 54.)
• Ejecting the disc will cancel your subtitle setting.
• If 4-digit language code appears in the subtitle menu, refer
to “Language Code List“ on page 54.
BD Audio Mode
BD Audio Mode
There are 2 options for the “BD Audio Mode” setting; either by setting the
output to the secondary and interactive audio accompanied by the primary
audio or by setting only the primary audio. Depending on the setting of
the mode, Dolby Digital, Dolby Digital Plus, Dolby TrueHD, DTS, or DTS-HD
output changes between multi LPCM and bitstream.
1In stop mode, press [MODE] repeatedly until
“ appears.
2Use [Cursor K / L] to select the sound level.
If it is available, BD-video’s secondary and
interactive audio will be output with the
primary audio. The secondary audio is the
audio for the secondary video (Director’s
comment etc.) and the interactive audio is the
audio for the interactive application (Button
click sounds etc.).
HD Audio
Output Only the primary audio will be output.
3Press [BACK] to exit.
• In “Mix Audio Output” mode, if there is no secondary and
interactive audio, the audio will be output as “HD Audio
Output” mode.
Primary Subtitle Off (subtitle Off)
Primary Subtitle 1 ENG / 4 (English subtitle)
Primary Subtitle 2 FRE / 4 (French subtitle)
Off (subtitle Off)
1 ENG /3 (English subtitle)
2 FRE /3 (French subtitle)
BD Audio Mode Mix Audio Output
BD Audio Mode HD Audio Output
Primary Subtitle 1 ENG / 4
1 ENG / 4