
Skype Voicemail Disabled. After you have activated call forwarding, all your calls will be diverted to the forwarded number. If you are unable to answer calls, callers will not be able to leave a message at your Skype voicemail until you have deactivated call forwarding. Call forward

1Press Menu.

2Select Settings > Skype Call > Call forward > Off. Press Select.

• The setting is saved.

13.3.4 Block call

The privacy feature lets you configure which contact can call you. It is possible to configure Skype so that anyone can call you or only your contacts can call you or only authorized users can call you. Skype calls

1 Press Menu.

2 Select Settings > Skype Call > Block

call > Skype call. Press Select.

3 Select the new setting. Press Select.

• The setting is saved. Online number calls

1Press Menu.

2Select Settings > Skype Call > Block call > SkypeIn call. Press Select.

3Select the new setting. Press Select.

• The setting is saved.

Calling Features Users

Displays the list of users that have been blocked by the privacy feature. You may use this feature to remove the privacy feature on certain users. users

1 Press Menu.

2 Select Settings > Skype Call > Block call > Blocked users. Press Select.

• The list of blocked users are


3 Select the user you wish to unblock. Press Unblock.

• The user is unblocked.

13.4Landline call features

This section describes the call-related features that apply to the landline only.

13.4.1 Carrier code

This feature only applies to model(s) with carrier code support.

For some telephone service providers, you may need to add the carrier code when making a call outside of your local area. The area code feature automatically helps you decide if the carrier code is needed when you are returning a call from the incoming call log.

You only have to program the carrier code of your service provider, and your phone will do the rest for you.


Carrier Code. It is a 2 or 3-digit code that represents a service provider. Consult your service provider to find out its code.

1Press Menu.


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Philips 855 Deactivating Call forward, Block call, Blocking Skype calls, Call Skype call. Press Select, Blocked Users