14 Network Services
The network services feature allows you to listen to information provided by your network provider. The availability of these features is dependant on your country and your subscription with the network provider. This information is stored by the network rather than in your handset itself. Contact your network provider for more information about this feature.
Incorrect codes. Network services may not work if the incorrect activation and/ or deactivation codes are entered.
The voicemail waiting indicator icon appears on your handset’s screen when there there are new voicemails. When all the voicemails are heard, the icon
You can receive voicemails from both your Skype and Landline callers.
14.1.1 Skype VoicemailTM
Skype VoicemailTM takes your calls when you are busy or offline. Consult and subscribe this service from Skype.
1Press Menu.
2Select History > Voice mails >
SkypeVM. Press Select.
3A list of voicemails appears. Select a Skype voicemail and press Options to choose one of the following options:
Play | Play your voicemail |
Details | View details of your |
| voicemail |
Delete | Delete voicemail |
Call | Return a call to the |
| sender |
Send | Record a voicemail for |
Voicemail | the sender |
View | View profile of the |
Profile | sender |
Add to | Add sender to your |
Contact | Contact list (if the |
| sender’s contact is not |
| already in your |
| Contact list) |
My | Play, |
Greeting | reset your Skype |
| voicemail greeting |
4Press Select. Greeting
You may personalise your own Skype voicemail greeting message using this feature. This greeting will be played to your Skype caller when you are busy or offline. your voicemail greeting
1Press Menu.
2Select History > Voice mails >
SkypeVM. Press Select.
3A list of voicemails appears. Select a
Skype voicemail and press Options.
4Select My Greeting > Options > Play. Press Select.
•Your voicemail greeting starts playing.
Network Services