9 GlossaryA
Aspect ratio
Aspect ratio refe rs to the width to he ight ratio of
TV screens. The r atio of a standard T V is 4:3, while
the ratio of a high-de finition or wide T V is 16:9.
The letter box allows yo u to enjoy a picture wi th a
wider perspect ive on a standard 4 :3 screen.
AVCHD is a format (standard ) for high definition
video cameras tha t can be used to record an d play
high-resolution HD images.
Blu-ray Disc (BD)
Blu-ray Disc is a nex t generation opt ical video
disc capable of stori ng five times more data t han
a conventional DVD. The lar ge capacity makes i t
possible to benefit fr om the features such a s high-
definition videos, multichannel surround sound,
interactive menu s and so on.
BonusView, also known a s “Profile 1.1”. In addition to
basic playback and inte ractive featur es, BonusView
players introduced af ter 31st October, 2007
enables users to enjoy ‘ Picture-i n-Picture’ ( PiP) and
secondary audio feat ures (useful when play ing games
that use additional au dio stream whil e the movie is
playing) on compatible BonusView discs.
Digital Audio
Digital Audio is a sound s ignal that has bee n
converted into nume rical values. D igital sound can
be transmitted t hrough multiple c hannels. Analo gue
sound can only be tran smitted throu gh two channels.
DivX Video-On-Demand
This DivX Certified ® device must be register ed
in order to play DivX Video -on-Demand ( VOD)
content. To generate the r egistration co de, locate
the DivX VOD section in your d evice setup menu.
Go to vod.divx.com wi th this code to comple te the
registration pr ocess and learn mo re about DivX video .
Unable to access BD- Live feature.
Check the network connection or ensure that •
the network has bee n set up.
Clear local storag e, internal memo ry (if any) •
or USB.
Ensure that the BD disc s upports BD Li ve •
Wireless network is not fou nd or distorted.
Microwave ovens, Dect p hones or other •
wireless devices in your neighborhood might
disturb the wireless network.
Make sure that the firew alls in your networ k •
allow access to the wireless connection of this
If the wireless net work does not work •
properly in your home , try the wired ne twork
connection (see “Get started” > “Set up a
Browse PC works slowly.
Look in your wireless ro uter’s user manua l for •
information on indoo r range, transf er rate and
other factors of signal quality.
You need a high speed connection for your •