‘DVD Video’ is a tradem ark of
DVD Format/Logo Lice nsing Corporati on.
Java and all other Java tr ademarks and l ogos
are trademark s or registered tr ademarks of Su n
Microsystems, I nc. in the United Sta tes and/or other
Windows Media and the W indows
logo are trademar ks, or registe red trademark s of
Microsoft Corpor ation in the United St ates and/or
other countries.
Manufactured und er license
under U.S. Patent #’s : 5,451,942; 5,956,674;
5,974,380; 5,978,762; 6,226,616; 6,487,535;
7,212,872; 7,333,929; 7,392,195; 7,272,567 & other
U.S. and worldwid e patents issued & pe nding. DTS
and the Symbol are regi stered trade marks, & DTS-
HD, DTS-HD Master A udio, and the DTS logos ar e
trademarks of DTS , Inc. Product incl udes software .
© DTS, Inc. All Rights Re served.
is a digital video for mat created by DivX, In c. This
is an official DivX Cert ified® device that play s DivX
video, including DivX Plu s™ HD video (H.264/.
MKV) up to 1080p a nd premium content . Visit
www.divx.com fo r more information a nd software
tools to convert your file s into DivX video.
Certified® device must be reg istered in orde r to
play DivX Video-on-D emand (VOD) content . To
generate the regis tration code, l ocate the DivX
VOD section in the device s etup menu. Go to vod.
divx.com with thi s code to complete the reg istration
process and learn mor e about DivX VOD.
DivX®, DivX Certified®, DivX Plus™ HD and
associated logos are re gistered tra demarks of DivX,
Inc. and are used under l icense.
‘BD LIVE’ and ‘BON USVIEW’ ar e trademark s of
Blu-ray Disc Association.
‘AVCHD’ and ‘AVCHD’ logo are
trademarks of Mat sushita Elec tric Industr ial Co., Ltd
and Sony Corporation.
‘x.v.Colour’ is a trade mark of Sony
The USB-IF Logos ar e trademark s of
Universal Serial Bus Implementers Forum, Inc.