Guy Eric Schalnat
Paul Schmidt
Tim Wegner
The PNG Referen ce Libr ary is supp lied “AS IS”. The Contribu ting A uthors and G roup 42 , Inc. disclai m all
warranties, expressed or implied , including , without limitation , the wa rranties of merchant ability a nd of tn ess
for any purpose. T he Contributi ng Authors and Group 42, Inc. a ssume no liabili ty for direct , indirect, i ncidental,
special, ex emplary, or conseq uential d amages, which may result from t he use of the PNG Refer ence Lib rary,
even if advised of the possi bility of such dama ge.
Permission is hereby g ranted to use, copy, m odify, and distribute this sour ce code, or portio ns hereof, for any
purpose, withou t fee, subject to the f ollowing restr ictions:
1. The origin of this source co de must not be misre presented.
2. Altered versio ns must be plainly ma rked as such and mus t not be misreprese nted as being the or iginal source.
3. This Copyright noti ce may not be removed or alt ered from any sourc e or altered source d istribution .
The Contr ibuting Authors and Gr oup 42, Inc. sp ecically permit, withou t fee, and encou rage th e use o f this
source code as a component to s upporting t he PNG le for mat in commer cial product s. If you use this source
code in a product, ack nowledgment is not r equired but would b e appreciated.
A “png_get_copy right” funct ion is available, for co nvenient use in “abou t” boxes and the like:
printf(“%s”,png _get_copyrigh t(NULL));
Also, the PNG logo (in PNG format , of course) is su pplied in the les “pngbar.png” an d “pngbar.jpg (88x31) a nd
“pngnow.png” (98x31).
Libpng is OSI C ertied O pen Source Sof tware. OS I Certie d Open Sourc e is a cert ication mar k of the Ope n
Source Initiative .
Glenn Randers- Pehrson
glennrp at users .sourceforge. net
December 3, 2009
17. SQLiteAll of the deliverable code in SQLite has been ded icated to the HYPERL INK “http: //en.wikipedia.o rg/wiki/
Public_Do main”public domain by th e auth ors. A ll code author s, and repre sentative s of t he compa nies th ey
work for, have signe d af��davits dedicating t heir contribu tions to the public domain and origina ls of those si gned
afdavits a re store d in a resafe a t the ma in ofces of HYPER LINK “ht tp://www.h waci.com”Hwaci . Anyone is
free to copy, modify, publish , use, compile, se ll, or distribu te the original SQ Lite code, eithe r in source code form
or as a compiled binar y, for any purpose, comme rcial or non-comm ercial, and by any mean s.
The previous paragraph applies to the de liverable code in SQL ite - th ose part s of the SQLite li brary th at you
actually bund le and sh ip with a larger a pplication. Portions of the docu mentation a nd some co de used a s part
of the build process might fall under othe r licenses. The det ails here are uncl ear. We do n ot worry about th e
licensing of the docume ntation and build co de so much b ecause none o f these things are part of the core
deliverable SQLi te library.
All of the delive rable code i n SQLite has been writ ten from scr atch. No code has been ta ken from othe r projects
or from the open inte rnet. Every line of code can be tr aced back to its or iginal author, and al l of those author s have
public domain dedications on le. So the SQLite code base is clean and is uncontaminated with licensed code from
other projects.
2010_ BDP_V 4.0