If the program is inte ractive, make i t output a shor t notice like this when i t starts in a n interactive mo de:
Gnomovision versi on 69, Copyright (C) 19yy nam e of author
Gnomovision comes wit h ABSOLUTELY NO WARRA NTY; for details ty pe `show w’.
This is free s oftwar e, and you ar e welco me to redistr ibute i t unde r cert ain con ditions; type `show c’ for
The hypothet ical comma nds `show w’ and `show c’ s hould show the ap propriate parts of the G eneral Public
License. Of course, the com mands you use may be call ed someth ing other than `s how w’ and `show c’; they
could even be mouse-cli cks or menu items- -whatever suit s your program.
You should als o get you r employer (if you work as a progr ammer) or your sch ool, if any, to sig n a “copyr ight
disclaimer” for the pr ogram, if necess ary. Here is a sample ; alter the names:
Yoyodyne, Inc ., here by discla ims all copyright interes t in the prog ram `Gn omovision’ (which ma kes pass es at
compilers) writte n by James Hacker.
<signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
Ty Coon, President of Vice
This Gene ral Pu blic Lice nse does not p ermit i ncorpora ting your progr am into proprie tary p rograms . If yo ur
program is a subroutine library, you may consider it more use ful to perm it linking proprietar y applicatio ns with
the library. If this is w hat you want to do, use th e GNU Librar y General Public L icense instead of thi s License.
3. Busybox, the Linux IR control package and SquashFSBusybox, the Linux I R control package a nd SquashFS are su bject to the GPL , a copy of which is included at i tem 2.
4. DirectFB, glibc, libus b-compat,libusb and mtd- utilsDirectFB glibc, li bmtp and libusb are s ubject to the follow ing license:
Version 2.1, February 199 9
Copyright (C) 1991, 1999 Free Sof tware Foundat ion, Inc.
59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Bos ton, MA 02111-1307 USA
Everyone is permit ted to copy and d istribute verbatim copies of this l icense docum ent, but changing it is not
[This is th e rst r eleased ver sion of th e Lesser GP L. It als o counts as the success or of the GNU Libra ry Public
License, version 2 , hence the version n umber 2.1.]
The licenses for mos t software are designed to take away your fr eedom to share and change it. By contrast , the
GNU Genera l Public L icenses are intended to guarante e your fre edom to sh are and c hange free software --to
make sure the softw are is free for all it s users.
This license, the L esser Genera l Public License , applies to some specially desig nated softwa re packages--t ypically
libraries--o f the Free Software Foundation a nd other au thors who decide to u se it. You c an use it too, but we
suggest you rst think carefully about whet her this li cense or the ordinary General Public Licens e is the better
strategy to use in a ny particular ca se, based on the exp lanations below.
When we spe ak of fr ee softwa re, we a re referr ing to fr eedom of use, not price. Our General Public L icenses
are designed t o make sure t hat you have t he freedom to distribu te copies of f ree softwa re (and charge for this
service if you wish); that yo u receive sou rce code or c an get it i f you want i t; that you can change t he softwar e
and use pieces of it in new fre e programs; and th at you are informed t hat you can do these thi ngs.
To protect your r ights, we ne ed to make r estriction s that forbi d distribu tors to deny you these r ights or to ask
you to su rrender these r ights. These r estricti ons tra nslate to certa in respo nsibilities for yo u if yo u distr ibute
copies of the librar y or if you modify it.
For example, if you dist ribute copies of the lib rary, whether gr atis or for a fee, you mus t give the recipient s all the
rights that we gav e you. You must make s ure that they, too , receive or can get the source co de. If you link o ther
code with the libra ry, you must provi de complete objec t les to the recip ients, so that t hey can relink th em with
the library af ter making ch anges to the libr ary and reco mpiling it. An d you must show t hem these term s so they
know their rights .
We protect your rights wit h a two-s tep method: (1) we copyright the librar y, and (2) we offer you thi s license,
which gives you legal per mission to copy, distr ibute and/or modif y the library.