Thus, it is not the int ent of this sectio n to claim rights o r contest your rig hts to work writ ten entirely b y you;
rather, the int ent is to e xercise the right to con trol the d istribution of deriva tive or colle ctive work s based
on the Program.
In addition, mer e aggregation of another work no t based on the Pro gram with the Program (or with a work
based on the Progr am) on a volume of a sto rage or distribu tion medi um does not bring the ot her work
under the scope of this Lice nse.
3. You may copy and distri bute the P rogram (or a wor k bas ed on it, under Sect ion 2) in object code or
executable form und er the terms of Sec tions 1 and 2 above provi ded that you also do one of t he following:
a) Acco mpany it with the compl ete c orres pondi ng ma chine -read able sourc e cod e, w hich must be
distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium customaril y used for softwar e
interchange; or,
b) Accompany it with a writ ten offer, val id for at leas t three year s, to give any third par ty, for a char ge no
more than your cost of physi cally per forming source dis tribution , a com plete machi ne-readabl e copy
of the corr esponding so urce code, to be dis tributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a
medium customaril y used for softwar e interchange; or,
c) Accomp any it with t he infor mation you rece ived as to the offer to dis tribute corres ponding source
code. (This alternati ve is allowe d only for noncommerci al distrib ution and only if you received the
program in object co de or executable for m with such an offe r, in accord with Subsec tion b above.)
The source code for a work mean s the pr eferred for m of the work for making mo dications to it. Fo r an
executable work, complete source code m eans al l the source c ode for all mo dules it contai ns, plu s any
associate d inter face defini tion f iles, plus the sc ripts used t o contr ol com pilation and install ation of the
executable. H owever, as a s pecial exceptio n, the sou rce code dis tributed n eed not incl ude anythin g that is
normally distr ibuted (in e ither source or binary for m) with the ma jor components (compiler, kernel, and so
on) of the operating system o n which the execut able runs , unless that compo nent itse lf accompani es the
If distributio n of executable o r object code is ma de by offering ac cess to copy from a de signated place, t hen
offering equiva lent access to copy t he source code fro m the same place counts as dist ribution of the source
code, even though thir d parties are not co mpelled to copy the sour ce along with the obj ect code.
4. You may not copy, modify, sub license, o r distri bute the Program except a s express ly provide d under this
License. Any a ttempt other wise to copy, modify, sublice nse or distr ibute the Pr ogram is voi d, and will
automatically ter minate your right s under this Licens e. However, parties w ho have received copie s, or rights,
from you under th is Licens e will not have their li censes ter minated so long as such partie s remain in ful l
5. You are not r equired t o accept t his License , since you have not signed i t. However, nothing else grants you
permission to modify or distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are prohibited by law if
you do not accept this License . Therefore, by mo difying or dist ributing the Pr ogram (or any work base d on the
Program), you in dicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and all its terms and conditi ons for copyi ng,
distributing or m odifying the Pro gram or works ba sed on it.
6. Each time you redis tribute the Progr am (or any work b ased on the Progr am), the recipient automaticall y
receives a license fro m the original lice nsor to copy, distribu te or modify the Pr ogram subject to these terms
and conditions. You may not impose any furt her restric tions on the reci pients’ exercise of the rights gr anted
herein. You are not respon sible for enforcing com pliance by third par ties to this Licens e.
7. If, as a consequen ce of a cou rt judgme nt or alle gation of p atent infrin gement or for any othe r reason (not
limited to patent issues), condition s are imposed o n you (whether by court order, ag reement or ot herwise)
that contradi ct the co nditions of this Lice nse, they do not e xcuse you f rom the co nditions of this Lice nse.
If you ca nnot dis tribute so as to satisf y simul taneously your ob ligations under th is Licens e and a ny other
pertinent obligations , then a s a cons equence you may not distribu te the P rogram at all. Fo r example , if a
patent license w ould not per mit royalt y-free redis tribution of the Progr am by all those who r eceive copies
directly or indirectly through you, then the o nly way you could satisfy both it a nd this Lice nse would be to
refrain entirel y from distribu tion of the Progra m.
If any portio n of this sec tion is held i nvalid or unenf orceable under any particu lar circumst ance, the bala nce
of the section is intend ed to apply and the sec tion as a whole is int ended to apply in othe r circumstances .
It is not the purpose of this sectio n to induce you to infri nge any patent s or other propert y right clai ms or
to contest validity of any such cla ims; this section has t he sole purpose of protec ting the integri ty of t he
free sof tware distr ibution syste m, whi ch is impleme nted by public license prac tices. Many p eople h ave
made generous contributions to the wid e range of software distributed through tha t system i n reliance o n
consistent applicat ion of that system; i t is up to the author/donor t o decide if he or she is willi ng to distribute
software throu gh any other syste m and a licensee cannot im pose that choice.