Section 6 states te rms for distrib ution of such execut ables.
When a “work t hat uses the Library” uses material from a heade r le that is part of th e Library, the object
code for the work may be a der ivative work of the L ibrary even tho ugh the source code is not .
Whether this is true is especially signicant if the wor k can be linked with out the L ibrary, or if the wor k is
itself a librar y. The threshold for thi s to be true is not preci sely dened by law.
If such an object file uses only numeri cal pa ramete rs, data s truc ture l ayouts and accessor s, an d sma ll
macros and smal l inline func tions (ten l ines or less in length), t hen the use of the objec t le is u nrestricte d,
regardless of whet her it is legally a der ivative work . (Executables co ntaining this obje ct code plus port ions of
the Library will s till fall under Se ction 6.)
Otherwise, i f the work is a d erivative of t he Library, yo u may distribu te the object co de for the work under
the terms of Section 6 .
Any executables co ntaining that wo rk also fall u nder Section 6, whether or not they are lin ked directly with
the Library it self.
6. As an exception to the Sec tions above, you may also com bine or link a “work tha t uses the Librar y” with the
Library to p roduce a work containing por tions of the Library, and distribute that work un der terms of y our
choice, provid ed that t he terms permit modication of the wo rk for t he custome r’s own u se and r everse
engineering for deb ugging such modic ations.
You must give prominent noti ce with each copy of the work t hat the Librar y is used in it and that the L ibrary
and its use are cove red by this Licen se. You must supply a copy of this License . If the work d uring execution
displays copyri ght notices, you must include t he copyright notice for the Libr ary amo ng them, as well a s a
reference direct ing the user to the copy of th is License. Also, you mu st do one of these thin gs:
a) Accompany the wo rk with the complete corresponding machine-re adable source code for th e Librar y
including whateve r changes wer e used in the work (whi ch must be distribute d under Sec tions 1 an d 2
above); and, if the work is an exec utable link ed with t he Librar y, with th e complete m achine-reada ble
“work that uses the Lib rary”, as objec t code and/or source code, so t hat the user can modif y the Librar y
and then relink to produ ce a mod ied exec utable c ontaining the mod ied Lib rary. ( It is u nderstoo d
that the user who changes th e contents of denitions  les in the L ibrary wi ll not necessa rily be abl e to
recompile the applic ation to use the modi ed denitions.)
b) Use a suitable shared lib rary mec hanism for l inking with the Libr ary. A sui table mecha nism is one that
(1) uses at r un time a copy of the libra ry alread y present on the user’s compu ter syste m, rather than
copying librar y functio ns into th e executabl e, and (2) will oper ate proper ly with a modied version
of the libr ary, if the user installs one, as long as the modie d version is inter face-compati ble with the
version that the wor k was made with.
c) Accompany the wo rk wit h a w ritten offer, valid for at least three years , to give th e same user the
materials spe cified in Subsection 6a, above , for a charge no more than the cost of perfo rming this
d) If distribution of the wor k is made by offering access to copy from a des ignated place, offer equi valent
access to copy the above speci ed materials fro m the same place.
e) Verify that the user has al ready received a copy of th ese materials or tha t you have already sent th is user
a copy.
For an execu table, the required form of the “work that uses the libra ry” must include a ny data an d utility
programs neede d for reprodu cing the execut able from i t. However, as a special exceptio n, the mater ials to
be distribut ed need not include anyt hing that is normally di stributed (in either source or bin ary form) w ith
the major compone nts (compiler, kerne l, and so on) of t he operating system on wh ich the execut able runs,
unless that component i tself accompanie s the executable .
It may happen that this r equirement contr adicts the lice nse restrict ions of other propr ietary libr aries that do
not normally a ccompany the op erating sys tem. Such a contradict ion means you cannot use both them a nd
the Library toge ther in an executab le that you distri bute.
7. You may place library f acilities tha t are a work based on th e Library side-by-side in a single l ibrary toge ther
with other libra ry facilities n ot covered by this Lice nse, and distr ibute such a combin ed library, pro vided that
the separa te distr ibution of the wo rk based on the Librar y and of the ot her libr ary facil ities is otherwi se
permitted, and p rovided that you do th ese two things:
a) Accompany the combine d library wi th a copy of the same wo rk based on the L ibrary, uncombi ned with
any other library f acilities. This m ust be distrib uted under the ter ms of the Sections a bove.
b) Give promin ent not ice with the combined librar y of t he fact that part of it is a w ork ba sed on the
Library, and expla ining where to nd th e accompanying uncomb ined form of the same wo rk.