A file format with a sound d ata compression
system. MP3 is the ab breviation of Motio n Picture
Experts Gro up 1 (or MPEG-1) Audio Layer 3. W ith
the MP3 format, one CD -R or CD-RW can co ntain
about 10 times more dat a than a regular CD.
Playback Control. A sy stem where you navi gate
through a Video CD/Su per VCD with on-scr een
menus that are record ed onto the disc. You can
enjoy interactive p layback and search.
Pulse Code Modulation . A digital audio en coding
Region code
A system that allows di scs to be played only in the
region designated. T his unit only plays dis cs that
have compatible region cod es. You can find the
region code of your unit on th e product label. S ome
discs are compatible w ith more than one re gion (or
ALL regions.)
Windows Media™ Audio. Refer s to an audio
compression technolog y developed by Micros oft
Corporation. WM A data can be encoded w ith
Windows Media player ver sion 9 or Windows
Media player for Windows X P. Files are recognized
by their file extensio n ‘.wma.’
Dolby Digital
A surround sound sys tem developed by Dolby
Laboratories th at contains up to six chan nels of
digital audio (front l eft and right, su rround left an d
right, center and subw oofer.)
Digital Theatre Sy stems. A surro und sound system
for providing 5.1 channels of dis crete digital aud io
in consumer electro nics products a nd software
content. It is not develo ped by Dolby Digital.
High-bandwidt h Digital Content P rotection. Thi s is
a specification that pr ovides a secure tran smission
of digital contents be tween differe nt devices (to
prevent unauthor ized copyright.)
High-Definition Multimedia Interface (HDMI) is
a high-speed digita l interface that c an transmit
uncompressed high defi nition video and d igital
multichannel audio . It delivers high q uality pictur e
and sound quality, completely free from noise.
HDMI is fully backward-compatible with DVI.
As required by the HDM I standard, con necting to
HDMI or DVI product s without HDCP (H igh-
bandwidth Digital Content Protection) will result in
no Video or Audio outpu t.
A very common digita l still picture fo rmat. A still-
picture data compr ession system pr oposed by the
Joint Photographic E xpert Grou p, which features
small decrease in imag e quality in spite of i ts high
compression ratio. F iles are recognized by t heir file
extension ‘. jpg’ or ‘.jpe g.’
LAN (Local Area Network)
A group of linked devices in a com pany, school
or home. Indicates th e boundaries of a par ticular
Local storage
This storage area is u sed as destinati on for storing
additional contents from BD-Live enabled BD-Video.