To protect each distribu tor, we want to make it very clear that there is no warr anty for the free library. Also,
if the l ibrary is modi ed by someone e lse and passed on, the recipien ts shoul d know that wh at they have is
not the origi nal version , so that the origina l author’s reputation will not be affected by problems that might be
introduced by other s.
Finally, software p atents pose a const ant threat to the ex istence of any free pr ogram. We wish to make s ure that
a company cannot effe ctively res trict the use rs of a free pr ogram by obtain ing a restric tive license fr om a patent
holder. Therefore, we insist tha t any patent lice nse obtained for a version of the librar y must be con sistent with
the full freedom of use sp ecied in this licens e.
Most GNU softwa re, inc luding so me libra ries, is covered by the ordinar y GNU Genera l Public License . This
license, th e GNU Lesser G eneral Public L icense, a pplies to certa in design ated libr aries, and is quite di fferent
from the ordinar y Gener al Publ ic Licens e. We us e this license for cer tain lib raries in orde r to pe rmit l inking
those libraries in to non-free progr ams.
When a program is linked with a library, whe ther statica lly or using a s hared librar y, the combinatio n of the two
is legally speaki ng a co mbined wo rk, a deriva tive of the ori ginal li brary. The ord inary G eneral Public License
therefore permits such l inking only if the en tire comb ination ts it s crite ria of freedom. The L esser G eneral
Public License perm its more lax cri teria for linking o ther code with the li brary.
We call this license th e “Lesser” Ge neral Public L icense because i t does Less to pr otect the user ’s freedom than
the ordinary General P ublic License . It also p rovides othe r free sof tware develo pers Less o f an advant age over
competing non-fr ee programs . These dis advantages ar e the reas on we use the ordinary General Pu blic License
for many libraries . However, the Lesser licens e provides advant ages in certai n special circumst ances.
For example, o n rare occa sions, ther e may be a special need to encourage the widest possible use of a cert ain
library, so t hat it beco mes a de-fa cto stand ard. To achieve this, non-f ree progra ms must be allowed to u se the
library. A more freq uent case is that a free li brary do es the sa me job as widely u sed non-fr ee librar ies. In t his
case, there is little to g ain by limitin g the free li brary to fr ee softwar e only, so we use the Lesser G eneral Publi c
In other cas es, permiss ion to use a particul ar librar y in non-fr ee program s enables a greater nu mber of peop le
to use a large body of free software. For example, permission to use the G NU C Libra ry in non-f ree program s
enables m any more people to use the whole G NU oper ating s ystem, as wel l as i ts var iant, the GNU /Linux
operating syste m.
Although the Lesse r General Publ ic License is Less pr otective of the us ers’ freedom, it does ensure th at the user
of a program that is l inked with the Libra ry has t he freedom and the w herewithal to run th at program using a
modied version of th e Library.
The precise terms and condit ions for copying, dis tribution and mo dication follow. Pay close att ention to the
difference bet ween a “work b ased on the li brary” and a “work that uses the libr ary”. The for mer contains cod e
derived from the lib rary, wherea s the latter must b e combined with the li brary in orde r to run.
0. This License Agre ement applies t o any softwar e library o r other progra m which contain s a notice placed by
the copyright holder or other autho rized par ty saying it may be distribute d under th e terms of this Lesse r
General Public Li cense (also called “th is License”).
Each licensee is addres sed as “you”.
A “library ” means a collection of softw are funct ions and/or data prepa red so as to be co nveniently l inked
with application pr ograms (which use som e of those function s and data) to form execu tables.
The “Librar y”, below, r efers to any such so ftware l ibrary o r work wh ich has be en distri buted under these
terms. A “work b ased on the Lib rary” means either the Li brary or any d erivative wor k under copyrig ht law:
that is to say, a work contain ing the Libr ary or a p ortion of it, either verbatim or with modic ations and/or
translated st raightforw ardly into an other language . (Hereinaf ter, translati on is included without lim itation in
the term “modicat ion”.)
“Source code” for a work m eans the preferr ed form of the work for m aking modicati ons to it. For a libr ary,
complete source code mea ns all t he source code for all modules it conta ins, plus any associ ated inter face
denition les, pl us the scripts used to co ntrol compilatio n and installati on of the library.
Activities othe r than copying, dis tribution an d modication ar e not covered by this License; they are outside
its scope. The a ct of running a program usin g the Librar y is not rest ricted, and output from s uch a program
is covered only if it s contents consti tute a work base d on the Librar y (independe nt of the use of the L ibrary
in a tool for wri ting it). Whet her that is tr ue depends o n what the Li brary does and what the program that
uses the Library d oes.