Philips HD4685, HD4686 manual Work, Pressed the keep, Warm button but, React, ‘Using the appliance’

Models: HD4686 HD4685

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I set the

You may not have pressed the on/off

temperature but

button within 10 seconds after setting the

the kettle does not

temperature. In this case, the set temperature is


lost and you have to set the temperature again.

I pressed the keep

The current temperature of the water is probably

warm button but

lower than 60°C. First set the desired keep-warm

the kettle does not

temperature and then press the on/off button


(see section ‘Keeping water warm’ in chapter


‘Using the appliance’).

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Philips HD4685, HD4686 manual Work, Pressed the keep, Warm button but, React, ‘Using the appliance’