2.2 Programming

HTTP Settings

Parameter & Description


Value Range

# HTTP Port No.


1 to 65535

Specifies the port number for HTTP communications by the






Generally, there is no need to change the default value.






QSIG Connectionless Tunneling Settings






Parameter & Description


Value Range




# QSIG Connectionless Tunneling Port No.


1 to 65535

Specifies the port number for connectionless tunneling



between cards at different locations in a QSIG network.



Generally, there is no need to change the default value.






• Connectionless tunneling enables the PBXs on a



QSIG network to use enhanced networking



features. (For more information about these



features, refer to the relevant sections of the Hybrid



IP-PBX documentation.)



• If you are using a gatekeeper, and "Routed" is



specified for the parameter Call Signaling Model



(see "2.2.2 H.323 Parameters"), connectionless



tunneling is not possible. In this case, the PBX



cannot use the enhanced networking features.












Parameter & Description


Value Range




# LAN Disconnect Threshold Time (s)


1 to 10

Specifies the time (in seconds) until disconnection from the



LAN is recognized.



For example, even if a LAN cable is disconnected during a



call, reconnecting the cable within this time period maintains



the call.






Detailed Explanations

DHCP Server

When using the DHCP feature, the IP address settings of the card (IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway) will be assigned by a DHCP server.

However, keep in mind that the maintenance of the card is performed through a web browser from a PC; hence you must know the IP address of the card. Therefore, it is necessary to set up the DHCP

12 Programming Guide