8. Alignments
Index of this chapter:
8.1General Alignment Conditions
8.2Hardware Alignments
8.3Software Alignments
8.4Option Settings
8.1General Alignment Conditions
8.1.1Default Alignment Settings
Perform all electrical adjustments under the following conditions:
•Power supply voltage: 230 VAC / 50 Hz (± 10 %).
•Connect the set to the mains via an isolation transformer with low internal resistance.
•Allow the set to warm up for approximately 20 to 30 minutes.
•Measure voltages and waveforms in relation to chassis ground (with the exception of the voltages on the primary side of the power supply).
Caution: never use heatsinks as ground.
•Test probe: 100 : 1, Ri > 10 Mohm, Ci < 3.5 pF.
•Use an isolated trimmer/screwdriver to perform alignments.
Perform all electrical adjustments with the following default settings (for all CRTs):
•Choose "Soft" picture mode with the "Smart Picture" button on the remote control.
•Set "Dynamic Contrast" and "Active Control" to "off" (if either one of them is present).
•Set "Brightness" to aligned value unless otherwise specified.
•Set "Contrast value" to 99.
8.1.2Adjustment Sequence
Use the following adjustment sequence:
1.Set the correct
2.Rough adjustment of VG2 and FOCUS (potentiometers in “midway” positions; N.B.: wrong positions may cause error messages because of H or
4.Rough adjustment of GEOMETRY.
5.Allow the set to warm up.
6.Precise adjustment of VG2 and FOCUS.
7.Precise adjustment of GEOMETRY.
8.PIP alignments (if present).
9.COLOUR alignments.
10.Other software alignments.
8.2Hardware Alignments
•The Service Alignment Mode (SAM) is described in chapter 5 "Service Modes, Error Codes, and Fault Finding".
•Use the
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Figure 8-1 Focus 1, 2, and Screen Vg2 adjustment
8.2.1Vg2 Adjustment
In the
1.Connect the RF output of a pattern generator to the antenna input. Input a "black" picture (blank screen on CRT without any OSD info) test pattern.
2.In the SAM mode, set the “Normal Red”, “Normal Green” and “Normal Blue” values to “0” for “White Tone”.
3.Disable the black current loop (via the AKB bit).
4.Use the MENU key to enter the "user" menu, select "Picture", and set "Brightness" and "Contrast" to “0”.
5.Set the oscilloscope to 20 V/div and the time base to 20 us/ div. Use external triggering on the vertical pulse. Caution: use a trigger point on the "cold" side!
6.Ground the scope on the CRT panel ("cold" side) and connect a 10:1 probe to one of the cathodes of the picture tube socket (see circuit diagram F).
7.Measure at cathodes on the picture tube socket the DC- level of the measuring pulse (1st full line after the frame blanking) with respect to earth; N.B.: R = pin 8, G = pin 6, B = pin 11 of CRT socket.
8.Select the pin with the highest level found and adjust
V_cutoff by means of the
Line Output Transformer (LOT) to 145 +/- 5 VDC (for all screen sizes).
9.Reset "Contrast" and "Brightness" to their original values.
0V Ref.
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