1. Complete steps 1 through 7 of the Service Position Procedure (see above). Note: Steps 3 & 4 may be
omitted as removal of the Light Barrier and its Mounting Guide is not required.
2. With the Chassis loose from the cabinet bottom, and the entire chassis repositioned back towards the
Cabinet Front, lift the left end of the Chassis Assembly in order to remove the previously hidden screw
shown in the following detail. Note: This screw may be removed using a ¼ “ nut driver or a T20 Torx
Driver. In either case, an extension may be required in order to achieve the proper angle to the head of
the screw.
Jack Panel Hidden Screw.
3. Remove 2 screws from the left edge and upper left corner of the Rear Jack Panel Cover. These 2
screws may be removed using a ¼ “ nut driver or a T20 Torx Driver and be seen in the following display
on the left edge and upper left corner.
4. Remove the nut around the 75 Ohm Antenna Input
5. Remove 10 more screws shown in the following using a Torx 10 Driver.