Convergence Horizontal Output
Figure 36
IC 7044 amplifies the Horizontal convergence waveforms. The correction waveforms are fed to the IC
on Pins 6, 14, and 15. They are output to the Convergence Yokes on Pins 9, 11, and 18. The IC is
powered by four supply inputs. A +35 volt supply is fed to Pin 5, a -35-volt supply is fed to Pin 4, and
a -22-volt supply is fed to Pin 8, 12, and 17. The supply fed to Pin 10 is normally a +22-volt supply.
During signal peak drives, the voltage on Pin 10 is increased to +35-volts. Feedback sense voltage is
developed across the 6.8 ohm resistors on the return side of each yoke. Transistor 7007 is part of a
Soft Start circuit. When the set is turned On, Transistor 7007 turns On until capacitor 2043 is fully
charged. While 7007 is being turned On, a negative voltage is placed on Pin 3 muting the output of
the IC. A 220-ohm snubber resistor is across each of the yoke windings. This resistor will overheat if
the unit is operated with the Convergence Yokes unplugged.