The PIP or Double Window YUV signal is fed to the PIP/DW processor, 7801. The I2C buss controls
the IC from the Microprocessor on the SSB. The PIP/DW processor outputs YUV for the PIP window
or Split Screen to the YUV switch,7803, where it is mixed with the YUV signal from the SSB for the
main picture. The Fast Blanking line from 7801 on Pin 68 controls the switch point in which the PIP
window or Split Screen is inserted. The +3VD line switches the SDA and SCL lines. The PIP
processor is powered by the +3-volt supply. The +3.3-volt, +3-volt, and +3VD-volt supplies are
produced by the regulator 7802, which is driven by the +5VS supply. This supply is switched On when
the PIP window is selected.
Double Window Control and Power Supply
Figure 18
The PIP/Double Window module is controlled by the I2C buss through 7403 on the PIP module. Pins
4, 5, 6, and 7 perform Video selection functions. Pin 10 produces a reset signal for the Guide Plus
module. Pin 12 controls the +5VS and +8VS supplies.