Note You can start slideshow in album list, thumbnail view or full view.
You can stop the slideshow by pressing 1.
All pictures Alphabetically listed albums Pictures in alphabetically listed
album order
listed albums
Pictures listed in album order Pictures in full screen view

5.7.3 Find pictures on your player

Pictures on your player are organized in albums which are similar to the way they are
organized in Windows Media Player.
1From the main menu, select using vertical touch strip.
You can search from the following video options:
Fig1 Fig2
2Select the picture album you wish to view.
> You will see a thumbnail view (Fig1) of all pictures in that album.
3Use the vertical touch strip to scroll and select a picture to see its full view (Fig2).
4Tap on the top or the bottom end of the vertical touch strip to go to the next or
previous picture.

5.7.4 Slideshow

A slideshow will display all pictures inside an album in full view. It will automatically go to the
next picture at a specified interval. Background music can be played from a specified playlist
during a slideshow.

5.7.5 Start a slideshow

1From the main menu, select .
2Select the picture album you wish to view.
3Press MENU key and select Start slideshow.