2.2.3 Two Multiplexer with Slave Keyboard Controller
Power | Power | Power |
24VAC | 24VAC | 24VAC |
AWG #24
| Spot Monitor | Spot Monitor |
1st Main Monitor | for Slave K/B | for Master K/B |
1st Multiplexer | ||
| ||
| (+) Pin No. 6 | |
| Rear |
Keyboard controller | Keyboard controller |
Master | Slave |
2nd Main Monitor
2nd Multiplexer
| Spot output 1 of the first multiplexer to be connected to 16th input of the |
| second multiplexer. |
| n: User, Spot out of nth to be connected to |
| multiplexer. nth spot out of the 2nd multiplexer to be connected to the nth spot |
| monitor. Each user will see the picture of the selected camera (1 ~ |
Figure 7 - Two Multiplexer with Slave Keyboard Controller | nth spot monitor of the Mux 2 by selecting camera No. + Cam. |