Appendix B: Engineering Specifications
The system shall be capable of dialing up to 8 telephone numbers, 32 digits each.
Individual Dialout Alarm Selection may be programmed for each input channel to
instruct the system to dial specific telephone numbers for certain alarms.
The system shall allow local or remote data programming of the following tele-
phone dialing information:
1. Dialing mode (voice, data, beeper)
2. Message repetitions (0 to 255)
3. Rings until answer (1 to 15)
4. Maximum number of calls (0 to 9999)
5. Intercall delay time (5 seconds to 270 minutes)
6. Wait time between rounds (0 to 270 minutes)
7. On-line time out (1 minute to 255 minutes)
8. Acknowledge on carrier (Y/N)
IV. Programming
A. Local Programming
The System shall have a built-in RS232 port for the purpose of locally program-
ming all system data using a PC or dumb terminal. Programming is accomplished
by keyword and stand-alone commands. All operational data, system setup and
configuration data, and all information regarding the status of monitored I/O
channels shall be accessible. In addition, C programming using the resident C
compiler may also be accomplished locally.
B. Remote Programming
The system shall have a built-in 1200 bps modem for the purpose of remotely
programming and communicating all system, configuration and input data using a
PC or dumb terminal that has a modem. C programming may also be accom-
plished remotely. User-programmable security password shall protect the system
from unauthorized tampering.
V. System Features
A. Power
The system shall be provided with a UL listed 20V AC power transformer that the
user may plug into a 117V AC outlet, +20%, 60HZ. Typical power consumption
shall be 12 Watts.
B. Data Log
The system shall be capable of logging and storing up to 512 records. Each record
shall contain the present value of all 16 inputs with a time stamp. The time be-
tween logs shall be user-programmable. The system shall be able to display log
information on a terminal or PC monitor, or print the log information to a printer
hooked up to its built-in RS232 serial port. The data log shall also be retrievable