Sensaphone® ISACC Instruction Manual
When a program is compiled, it is scanned for language related errors. When an error is
encountered, the word ERROR is displayed followed by the error type, and line number. The
line number may not be the exact line that contains the error. Sometimes an er ror is detected
a line or two after the actual mistake. If an er ror occurs while compiling, the compiler aborts.
It is possible to pass the compiler with no errors, but receive an er ror when the program is
running. A run time error occurs when the syntax of a built-in function is incorrect. When a
run time error occurs, the type of error is displayed, but not a line number.
Below is a list of compiling errors:
0 Syntax
1 Semicolon expected
2 Unbalanced braces
3 Parentheses Expected
4 While expected
5 Quote expected
6 Variable not found
7 Too many variables defined (limit is 127)
8 Bracket expected
9 Compiled file too big