Additional information
Video CD
| Symptom | Cause | Action |
| |||
The PBC (play- | The Video CD | This operation is | |
back control) | being played | not available for | |
menu cannot | does not feature | Video CDs that do | |
be called up. | PBC. | not feature PBC. | |
| |
Repeat play | The Video CD | This operation is | |
and track/time | being played fea- | not available for | |
search are not | tures PBC. | Video CDs that fea- | |
possible. |
| ture PBC. | |
| Symptom | Cause | Action |
| |||
The iPod does | The cables are in- | Disconnect the | |
not operate | correctly con- | cable from the | |
correctly. | nected. | iPod. Once the | |
| iPod’s main menu |
| is displayed, recon- |
| nect the iPod and |
| reset it. |
| The iPod version | Update the iPod |
| is old. | version. |
| |
Sound from the | The audio output | Use the iPod to | |
iPod cannot be | direction may | change the audio | |
heard. | switch automati- | output direction. | |
| cally when the |
| Bluetooth and |
| USB connections |
| are used at the |
| same time. |
92 En
Bluetooth audio/telephone
| Symptom | Cause | Action | |
| ||||
| |
The sound | There is a call in | The sound will be | ||
from the | progress on a | played back when | ||
Bluetooth | Bluetooth con- | the call is termi- | ||
audio source is | nected cellular | nated. | ||
not played | phone. |
| ||
back. |
| ||
A | Do not operate the | |||
| |||
| nected cellular | cellular phone at | |
| phone is cur- | this time. | |
| rently being oper- |
| |
| ated. |
| |
| |
| A call was made | Reconnect the | |
| with a Bluetooth- | Bluetooth connec- | |
| connected cellu- | tion between this | |
| lar phone and | unit and the cellu- | |
| then immediately | lar phone. | |
| terminated. As a |
| |
| result, communi- |
| |
| cation between |
| |
| this unit and the |
| |
| cellular phone |
| |
| was not termi- |
| |
| nated properly. |
| |
Error messages
When you contact your dealer or your nearest Pioneer Service Center, be sure to note the error message.
| Message | Cause | Action |
| |||
No Data Pro- | This unit cannot | Move to the desir- | |
vided | receive artist | able location with | |
| name/song title | good reception. |
| information. |
| |
No Data | This unit cannot | Move to the desir- | |
| receive program | able location with |
| service name in- | good reception. |
| formation. |
| Message | Cause | Action |
| |||
Different Re- The disc does not | Replace the DVD | ||
gion Disc | have the same | with one bearing | |
| region number | the correct region |
| as this unit. | number. |