13 |
| FAQ |
Symptom | Causes | Remedy |
AVNavigator does not inter- | The receiver’s power is not turned | Turn the receiver’s power on. (Wait about 60 seconds after |
act well with the receiver. | on. | the power turns on for network functions to start.) |
| After this, press Detection in AVNavigator to redetect the |
| receiver. |
| |
| The receiver or computer is not con- Connect a LAN cable to the receiver or computer (page 40). | |
| nected to the LAN. | After this, press Detection in AVNavigator to redetect the |
| receiver. |
| The router’s power is off. | Turn the router’s power on. |
| After this, press Detection in AVNavigator to redetect the |
| receiver. |
| AVNavigator’s network settings are | If your router does not support DHCP or UPnP, the receiv- |
| not correct. | er’s IP address must be set in AVNavigator. First set the |
| IP address on the receiver, then set the same address in |
| AVNavigator (page 100). |
| After this, press Detection in AVNavigator to redetect the |
| receiver. |
| Network connections could be | Check the computer’s network settings, security settings, |
| restricted due to the computer’s net- | etc. |
| work settings, security settings, etc. | After this, press Detection in AVNavigator to redetect the |
| receiver. |
| When the operating instructions | Either refresh the page’s display using the browser’s |
| interactive mode is changed, the | refresh button or display a different page from the links so |
| settings may not be transferred to | that the setting is transferred. |
| the browser, causing AVNavigator to |
| stop interacting. |
When the Wiring Navi, | This is because of the browser’s | This is not a problem. Perform the operation to authorize |
Operation Guide, | security function. | the blocked contents. |
InteractiveManual,Glossary |
or Software Update is |
launched, a warning about |
security protection appears |
on the browser. |
Operation Guide does not | Adobe Flash Player 10 is not | Download Adobe Flash Player from the Adobe site (http:// |
display properly. | installed, or its version is too old. | www.adobe.com/downloads/). If your version is old, update |
| it. |
Software updating does not | There may be a problem with your | Contact your contracted provider. |
operate well. | Internet Service Provider’s network. |
USB interface
Symptoms | Causes | Remedies |
The folders/files stored on a | The folders/files are currently stored | Store the folders/files in the FAT region. |
USB memory device are not | in a region other than the FAT (File |
displayed. | Allocation Table) region. |
| The number of levels in a folder is | Limit the maximum number of levels in a folder to 9 (page |
| more than 9. | 52). |
| The audio files are copyrighted. | Copyrighted audio files stored on a USB memory device |
| cannot be played back (page 52). |
Symptoms | Causes | Remedies |
A USB memory device is | The USB memory device does not | Try using a USB memory device compatible with the mass |
not recognized. | support the mass storage class | storage class specifications. Note that there are cases |
| specifications. | where even the audio files stored on a USB memory device |
| compatible with the mass storage class specifications are |
| not played back on this receiver (page 52). |
| Connect the USB memory device and switch on this |
| receiver (page 41). |
| A USB hub is currently being used. | This receiver does not support USB hubs (page 52). |
| This receiver recognizes the USB | Switch off and on again this receiver. |
| memory device as a fraud. |
| Reconnect the USB device with the receiver switched off. | |
| |
| Change to an input other than iPod/USB, then set the input |
| back to iPod/USB. |
A USB memory device is | Some formats of USB memory | Check whether the format of your USB memory device is |
connected and displayed, | devices, including FAT 12, NTFS, and | either FAT 16 or FAT 32. Note that the FAT 12, NTFS, and |
but the audio files stored | HFS, cannot be played back on this | HFS formats cannot be played back on this receiver (page |
on the USB memory device | receiver. | 52). |
cannot be played back. | The file format cannot be properly | See the list of file formats that can be played back on this |
| ||
| played back on this receiver. | receiver (page 53). |
Symptoms | Causes | Remedies |
iPod is not recognized. | This receiver recognizes the iPod as | Switch off and on again this receiver. |
| a fraud. | Reconnect the iPod with the receiver switched off. |
| |
| Change to an input other than iPod/USB, then set the input |
| back to iPod/USB. |
Symptoms | Causes | Remedies |
Cannot access the network. | The LAN cable is not firmly con- | Firmly connect the LAN cable (page 40). |
| nected. |
| The router is not switched on. | Switch on the router. |
| Internet security software is cur- | There are cases where a component with Internet security |
| rently installed in the connected | software installed cannot be accessed. |
| component. |
| The audio component on the net- | Switch on the audio component on the network before |
| work which has been switched off is | switching on this receiver. |
| switched on. |
Playback does not start | The component is currently discon- | Check whether the component is properly connected to |
while “Connecting...” con- | nected from this receiver or the | this receiver or the power supply. |
tinues to be displayed. | power supply. |