4.Menu Functions
The phone offers you an extensive range of functions, which are grouped into menus. Before you get into each of the functions of the menu, we will first describe how to access each menu function.
4.1Accessing A Menu Function
You can access a menu function by either scrolling the navigation direction key, or pressing a key that has been setup as a shortcut.
4.1.1 By Navigating the Direction Key
•To access the menu, press OK key that represents the Menu.
•Scroll through the menu and select, for example, Message by pressing
OK key
•If the menu contains submenus, scroll to the one that you want, for exam-
ple SMS, and press OK key .
•If the selected submenu contains further submenus, repeat step 3. Select the next submenu, for example Write Message.
•Select the setting of your choice.
•Press right soft key (Back) to return to the previous menu level.
4.1.2 By Using a shortcut (camera, name)
•The right soft key (Names) is the shortcut to “Contacts” – same as
OK key > right navigation key
(two times) > OK key
•The left soft key Camera is the shortcut to “Camera” – same as OK
key > down navigation key
(two times) > OK key
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