Installation Part 2 - Set Up Meter
13 Create a Test Print
| ABC | DEF | Review |
| ||
| _ | MNO |
| *# |
| |
Lock | JKL | no | |
| GHI |
| |
Class | WXYZ | ||
TUV | Enter yes | ||
| PQRS |
| Shift |
| Funds | Space | . |
| Back |
| Menu |
To print correctly, insert tape or envelope against the rear and side walls.
The system will detect the envelope and automatically begin printing.
When prompted, insert a spare envelope or a tape sheet for a test print.
NOTE: The test print will appear in red ink.
Good test print - no missing inside lines
Poor test print - missing inside lines
If the test print is poor, press no to perform additional printer maintenance and print another test image.
If the test print is good, press yes.