PC Configuration

Figure 3-7: Trigger Screen

The default setting for the I/O Trigger functions are disabled. You must enable the I/O Trigger first before the Triggers will perform. There are two options to select from the Trigger screen I/O Input 1 Trigger and I/O Input 2 Trigger.

I/O Input 1 Trigger:

Select “Send e-mail attached with image” and enter the relevant information such as the SMTP Server Address, Sender e-mail Address, Receiver e-mail Address, Sending Interval and Sending Times.

SMTP Server Address

SMTP(Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) is a protocol for sending e-mail messages between servers. The mail server address must be filled in this field. If the SMTP server needs authentication, ICA-100 series will use Admin ID and Admin Password entered in System page as login account and password.

Sender e-mail Address

The e-mail address of who will be sending the e-mail.

Receiver e-mail

The e-mail address of the person whom will receive the e-mail.

Sending Interval