+ button
When you press the + button, you will get detailed information about the selected programmes (summary of the programme, actors, presentators, directors, producers,...).
8.1.3Choosing programmes on the basis of the channel or the time
When you press PROGRAMMA OVERZICHT and then B, you can choose a programme on the basis of the channel and the starting time. When you press OK, the EPG will look for the corresponding programme. Then you may store this channel in the LIJST GESELECTEERDE PROGRAMMA'S.
8.1.4 Reminder
The receiver will warn you when a progamme you have entered in the LIJST GESELECTEERDE PROGRAMMA'S is going to start.
You can install the warning signal via the MENU.
•Press MENU and then 4 and 1.
A few minutes before the beginning of the programme, you will be warned. In HERINNERING you can choose:
-audio: the decoder will utter a BEEP.
When you press the + button, the name of the programme you have stored in the memory will appear.
-When a programme which has been stored is broadcast, it will be automatically erased from the memory.
-A maximum of 8 programmes can be stored in the memory.
-A programme which has been stored is indicated in the EPG or INFO with a symbol.
8.2Films, sports, youth, documentaries and other
kinds of programmes
Here you find all the programme which are selected according to the various kinds: films, sports, programmes for young people and other kinds of programmes in chronological order. You can search for the programmes up to one week ahead.
When you choose ANDERE GENRES (with the arrow buttons ©ª or OK ), you will see the following list:
-News magazines (Infomagazine)
-Music (Muziek)
-Weather forecast (Weerbericht)
-Events (Evenement)
-Others (Overige)
8.2.1Choosing programme
•When you want to watch a programme, you can select it with the arrow buttons ©ª or §¨ or press the OK button to:
- see if the programme is being broadcast at that moment.
- store a programme which will be
broadcast later in the memory.
- delete a programme from the memory.
- request a programme you have to pay for. This function will be available only in the future.
- record a programme or cancel a recording.
8.2.2Programmes broadcast on other days
•When you want to look for a programme which is broadcast on a given day in de EPG, you can perform the following operation:
- Press the button corresponding to the selected day of the week (MA, DI,...) and go directly to the time (morning) from 6:00 to 14:00.