I I . S A F E T Y
WARNING! Even though your power chair is capable of climbing slopes greater than those illustrated in figure 1, do not, under any circumstances, exceed the incline guidelines or any other specifications presented in this manual. Doing so could cause instability in your power chair, resulting in personal injury and/or damage to your power chair.
IncompliancewiththeAmericanswithDisabilitiesActof1990,allhandicappublicaccessrampsarerequiredtohaveamaximumslope of5°.Therefore,Priderecommendsthatthemaximumslopeofaninclineyouattempttosafelyascendordescendonyourpowerchair does not exceed 5°. See figure 1.
Figure 1. Maximum Safe Angle (Ascending and Descending)
WARNING! Any attempt to climb or descend a slope steeper than 5° may put your power chair in an unstable position and cause it to tip, resulting in personal injury.
Braking Information
Cornering Information
WARNING! When cornering sharply, reduce your speed. This greatly reduces the possibility of a tip or fall. To avoid personal injury and/or property damage, always exercise common sense when cornering.
Outdoor Driving Surfaces
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