I V. T H E Q UA N T U M JA Z Z Y 1 4 0 0 S E R I E S
Manual Freewheel Lever
Foryourconvenience,yourpowerchairisequippedwith oneoftwomanualfreewheellevers.Seefigures5and6.Theseleversallow youtodisengagethedrivemotorsandmaneuverthechairmanually.
WARNING! Do not use your power chair while the drive motors are disengaged unless you are in the presence of an attendant! Do not disengage the drive motors when your power chair is on an incline. The chair could roll down on its own, causing injury!
CAUTION! It is important to remember that when your power chair is in freewheel mode, the braking system is disengaged.
To operate the manual freewheel lever:
Figure 5. Freewheel Mode (Drive Disengaged)
Figure 6. Drive Mode (Drive Engaged)
Quantum Jazzy 1400 Series Rev D May04 | www.pridemobility.com | 19 |