V I I . O P E R A T I O N
WARNING! Unless faced with an emergency situation, do not use the on/off key to stop the chair. This will cause the power chair to stop abruptly.
WARNING! Always turn the power off when you are stationary to prevent unexpected movement.
Mode Key
Speed Setting Indicator
Power Accessory Indicator
Indicatestheselectedpoweraccessory.Thisisforoptional accessoriesonly.
Horn Key
Right/Left Turn Indicator Keys
Theright/leftindictorkeystoggleeithertheleftorrightturn indicators.Pressoncetoturnonandpressagaintoturnoff. Youcanalsoturnoff the selected indicator by pressing the oppositeindicatorkeyorthehazardkey.
Light Key
Thelightkeyturnsheadlights/taillightsonandoffindependent ofotherindicators.
Hazard Key
The hazard key toggles both indicators at the same time.
Battery Condition Meter |
Thebatteryconditionmeterislocatedinfrontofthejoystick. |
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Remote Plus is turned on and also gives the status of the | Figure 21. Remote Plus Keypad |
battery,thecontroller,andthepowerchairelectricalsystem. |
νRed, yellow, and green lights lit: Battery charged; controllerandelectricalsystemOK.
νRedlightsonlylitorslowflash:Chargebatteryassoonaspossible;controllerandelectricalsystem OK.
νRippleupanddownoflights:Thejoystickwasnotintheneutralpositionwhenthecontrollerwasturnedon.Ifyouget“rippleup anddownoflights”,turnoffthecontroller,allowthejoysticktoreturntotheneutralposition,thenturnonthecontroller.
32 | www.pridemobility.com | Quantum Jazzy 1400 Series Rev D May 04 |