I I . S A F E T Y
Freewheel Mode
Yourpowerchairisequippedwithamanualfreewheellevertoallowformanualmaneuverabilitybyatrainedattendant.Formore informationabouthowtoplaceyourpowerchairintoandoutoffreewheelmode,seeIV.“TheQuantumJazzy1400Series.”
WARNING! Do not use your power chair in freewheel mode without an attendant present. Per- sonal injury may result.
WARNING! Do not attempt to personally place your power chair in freewheel mode while seated on it. Personal injury may result. Ask an attendant for assistance if necessary.
WARNING! Do not place your power chair in freewheel mode while on an incline. The chair could roll uncontrollably on its own, causing personal injury.
Stationary Obstacles (Steps, Curbs, etc.)
WARNING! Do not attempt to have your power chair climb or descend an obstacle that is higher than two inches unless you have the assistance of an attendant.
WARNING! Do not attempt to have your power chair proceed backward down any step, curb, or other obstacle. This may cause the power chair to tip and cause personal injury.
Figure 1a. Curb Approach (Correct and Incorrect)
Public Streets and Roadways
WARNING! You should not operate your power chair on public streets and roadways. Be aware that it may be difficult for traffic to see you when you are seated on your power chair. Obey all local pedestrian traffic rules. Wait until your path is clear of traffic, and then proceed with ex- treme caution.
Stairs and Escalators
Powerchairsarenotdesignedtotravelupordownstairsorescalators. Alwaysuseanelevator.
WARNING! Never use your power chair to negotiate steps or escalators. You may cause injury to yourself and to others and/or damage your power chair.
Quantum Jazzy 1400 Series Rev D May04 | www.pridemobility.com | 9 |