6. Radio Configuration Menu

This section discusses the RangeLAN2 radio parameters that can be configured by the user.

The software tree below shows the options available in the Radio Configuration Menu:

E the rnet Adapte r M a in M enu

Displa y Param e ter V alues

Re se t Param ete rs to Fac tory D efa ults

Ra dio Configuration M enu











Dom ain
























S ubc hannel



S tation T y pe




















M a ste r Na m e



S ec urity ID




















E nable Re pea ting



M a c Optim ize




















Ina ctivity T im eout



Roam Config




















Roam ing E na ble d



Re set R adio












Adva nce d C onfiguration M enu

V ie w S tatistics

Dow nload Ne w S oftw a re V ersion

Re se t the E therne t Adapter

E x it

Dotted Line - Visible w hen configured as a M aster

Dashed Line - Visible w hen configured as a Station


Page 37
Image 37
Proxim 7920, 7921 manual Radio Configuration Menu