SCSI Description
5–36 Quantum Atlas 10K II Ultra160/m SCSI Hard Disk Drives
INQUIRY Command (12h) (continued)
Table 5–13 Standard Inquiry Data Page — Field Descriptions
Field Name Value Description
Peripheral Qualifier 0Non-zero if initiator selects an invalid logical unit.
Peripheral Device Type 00 indicates that this is a Direct Access Device.
ANSI Version 3ANSI SCSI Level 3 (SCSI-3) is supported.
AERC 0Asynchronous Event Reporting is not supported.
NormACA 0Does not support setting NACA in CDB Control word.
Port 0Only used when MultiP = 1.
MultiP 0 This field set to 1 if it is a multiport device.
Mchngr 0Not embedded in or attached to a medium changer
ACKQREQQ 0Device supports REQ and ACK data handshake on Q cable.
Addr32 032-bit wide SCSI address
Addr16 0/1 16-bit wide SCSI address
TrmTSK 0TERMINATE TASK Function is not supported
Response Data Format 2This Standard Inquiry Data is in the format specified in the
International Standard.
RelAdr 0Relative Addressing is not supported.
WBus 32 032-bit wide bus is not supported.
WBus 16 0 or 1 The WBus bit is 1 if the drive supports 16-bit data transfer.
bit is 0 if the drive only supports 8-bit transfer.
Sync 1The drive supports Synchronous Data Transfers.
Linked 1Linked Commands are supported.
TransDis 1Indicates that the drive supports CONTINUE TASK and
CmdQue 1The drive supports Tagged Command Queuing.
SftRe 0The drive implements the hard reset option in response to
assertion of the SCSI Bus reset line.
VS 0Vendor Specific
Product Identification The value in this field is:
ATLAS10KII-72WLS if the parallel drive supports 16-bit data
ATLAS10KII-72SCA if the parallel drive supports 16-bit data
transfers through SCA.
Note: Product Identification may vary from the above,
depending on OEM customer specifications.
NOTE: Vendor Information, Product Identification, and Product Revision Level are returned as shown in
Figure 5-10.