SCSI Description
5–78 Quantum Atlas 10K II Ultra160/m SCSI Hard Disk Drives
MODE SELECT (6) Command (15h) (continued)
Table 5–37 Control Mode Page — Field Descriptions (continued)
Field Value Default Description
DQue 0Disable Queue. When set to the default value of 0, the drive
supports tagged command queuing.
When the Disable Queue bit is set to 1, tagged command
queuing is disabled. A subsequent tagged message from
the initiator is rejected with a MESSAGE REJECT message
and the I/O process is executed as an untagged command.
EECA 0AEN enabled.
RAC 0Report A Check Condition bit. Ignored by the drive.
RAERP 0Ready AER Permission. Not supported by the drive.
UAAERP 0Unit Attention AER Permission. Not supported by the
EAERP 0Error AER Permission. Not supported by the drive.
Ready AER Holdoff Period 0Not supported by the drive.
Busy Timeout Period FFFFh Not supported by the drive.
NOTES: 1. If the Queue Algorithm Modifier specifies restricted re-ordering (0000b), commands
are not allowed to execute concurrently. If this field specifies unrestricted re-ordering
(0001b), concurrent I/O execution is allowed.
2. Fully supported and temporary fields are underlined. Unsupported fields are not
underlined. The PS bit is underlined, meaning it will be set on a MODE SENSE
command, since the page is savable